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Healthy  and tasty Smoothie recipes in a snap 

Parental Engagement Session

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GEMS Wellington Silicon Oasis

Nutrition Day:  Talk on the importance of  Healthy Breakfast


healthy breakfast talk-The  Ambassador S

Ambassador School

Talk on Nutrition from an Integrated and Holistic Perspective


Teachers’ Wellbeing 


Ambassador School

Talk on hidden sugars, solutions to reduce added sugar intake by kids , followed by presentation of healthy lunchbox options and smoothie making activity for parents.


Parental Engagement Session


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Developing Healthy and Happy relationship with food

Parental Engagement Session

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GEMS Wellington Silicon Oasis

Addressing the common health issues among teachers through  healthy and anti-inflammatory foods


Staff Wellbeing Workshop  


Ambassador School

Workshop on reading food labels


Wellness Week


GEMS Heritage

Wellness Week: Workshops

  1. Food, Mood, performance and Productivity

  2. Reading Food Labels


GEMS  Wellness week, Food, Mood and  Per

GEMS Wellington Silicon Oasis

Nutrition Week:

Workshop on connecting with food, growing greens at home, good and bad bacteria, gut health


Amity School

Introducing kids to the local organic farming community.


Ambassador School

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